Breakfasts for Better Days™
In 2013, Kellogg launched Breakfasts for Better Days™. Since that time, we’ve provided more than 3 billion servings of food to people in need worldwide and made significant progress we’ve made toward our Breakfasts for Better Days™ commitments that include achieving the following by the end of 2025:
Donating 2.5 billion servings of food to people in need, often in partnership with hundreds of food banks across six continents;
Expanding feeding and nutrition education programs so 2 million children can reach their full potential;
Supporting 500,000 farmers, their families and communities with climate-smart agriculture practices to increase yields, improve climate resiliency and reduce post-harvest loss and waste;
Committing 45,000 Kellogg employee and retiree volunteer days at local community food banks, farms and breakfast programs; and,
Engaging 300 million people in our efforts to address food security through promotions, online engagement and social media participation.
Since the work to achieve these commitments is interconnected and crosses multiple boosters of our Heart & Soul strategy, our commitment to expand feeding and nutrition programs is covered in the Nourishing with our Foods section of this report. Also, our commitment to supporting farmers is covered in the Nurturing our Planet section of this report.