

aCho S, et al. The effect of breakfast type on total dietary energy intake and body mass index. Results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). J Am Coll Nutr. 2003; 22:296-302.

bThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 78, Issue 3, 1 September 2003, Pages 660S–663S, https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/78.3.660S.

cAs of August 2016. Does not include recent Parati and RXBAR acquisitions.

dJefferson A. Croton J. Using wheat bran fibre to improve bowl habits during pregnancy - a call to action. British Journal of Midwifery 2013: 21-5 and O’Sullivan K. The superior benefits of wheat bran fibre in digestive health. European Gastroenterology & Hepatology Review. 2012:8(2): 90-3.

eFrom a 2016 baseline.

fPortions of this work are addressed in the Nurturing Our Planet section of this report.

gInternal data, 2017.


iOur contributions are made through Kellogg Company and its charitable funds.

jFrom a 2015 baseline.

kManufacturing energy use and GHG emissions, along with Scope 3 GHG emissions, have received independent verification against the World Resources Institute /
World Business Council for Sustainable Development Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

lPer metric ton of food produced

mWater use data from our top ten highest-risk manufacturing locations has received independent verification against the CDP Guidance for Companies for Corporate
Reporting on Water on Behalf of Investors and Supply Chain Members.

nWe are restating our 2016 Total Recordable Incident Rate. It should have been 1.06, lower than the 1.16 reported in our 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report.

oWe are restating our 2016 Lost Time Incident Rate. It should have been 0.51, lower than the 0.57 reported in our 2016 Corporate Responsibility Report.